OK, let's cut to the chase.
Judging by its location in town and a quick perusal of their website, Smile Teen Massage is another one of "those" massage parlors in Bangkok.
But what I'm curious about (but not curious enough to actually go and find out for myself) is the extra service offered in the first six items on their menu sign.
Suppose I had a hard day at work and sat on my chair in such a fashion as to experience some discomfort "below the belt." Could I really go to Smile Teen Massage and get that taken care of (without expecting any other "really extra" services)?
Does that massage really exist? A foot massage, I can understand. Same with neck, shoulders, body, face (and I've experienced them all here and they're great), but does anyone really want just a straight-forward testicle massage (with no added services)?
Even if I pulled my groin playing sports (hahahaha) or ran into the corner of the dining room table the wrong way (probably more likely to happen with me), there's some things that are just meant to be worked out naturally and I can't imagine that a massage there would help to ease any discomfort (in fact, it would probably make it worse).
But to each his own. I guess that's what makes Bangkok such a "special" place for so many people.