I've been here in Bangkok for eight weeks now and the one thing that I've really been craving is a decent cheeseburger. I refuse to go to McDonald's or Burger King (I said I wanted something decent). We got some burgers from the grocery store and in my opinion, they were just "OK."
What I wanted - no, I take that back - what I needed was a good All-American juicy cheeseburger - just like they make 'em back home. I mentioned this to several people and one name kept coming up as the answer to all my prayers - "The Garage."

Located in a mall connected to the Conrad Hotel on Wireless Road, it's as if God (or Buddha depending on what you believe in) scooped up the Garage from the good 'ol U.S. of A. and transplanted it smack in the middle of Bangkok.
We went during lunchtime and it wasn't too crowded. After the waitress came, I quickly scanned the menu (out of habit) and placed my order: a standard cheeseburger.
This is what I came all the way across town for and this is what I was going to get. I didn't even want to mess it up by having them put bacon on it or ordering some other specialty burger (for the record, the Garage does offer items like pizza, hotdogs, subs, salads and the dreaded veggie burger).
Before I could blink and eye, my order arrived and I'm pleased to report that it lived up to all of the hype. It really was a thing of beauty and after admiring it for a few moments, I quickly devoured (OK, inhaled) it.

There could have been a few more fries, but I'm just nitpicking there.
The interior is about what you would expect from a place called the Garage: a plain concrete floor, license plates and Route 66 signs on the wall, a few gas pumps, and seats that came from actual cars.

The only complaint I have about the atmosphere was the music. They had some soft Thai pop stuff playing and this is a place that just cries out for some good old-fashioned rock 'n roll (if the owner/manager of the Garage wants to email me I will be happy to drop off a couple of killer mix CDs for him).
This place is pretty family friendly too. There are several TVs and the big one has a Playstation 2 hookup and with over 50 games to play while one recovers from their food-induced coma.

They even have a pole in the middle of the restaurant that you can sign and leave a graffiti style greeting. It took me awhile to find a place where I could pimp this blog, but I managed.

All in all, the Garage was just what the doctor ordered (actully warned me about) and I'm sure I will make it my regular spot whenever the carnal urge to consume cooked animal flesh wedged between two buns and a slice of cheese overcomes me.
For more information on the Garage please visit: www.thegaragebkk.com.
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