Today (June 22), marks the one-year anniversary of our arrival in Bangkok. Sometimes, it seems like we've been here forever. Others, it feels like the time has just flown by.
To commemorate this momentous occasion, I am posting a bunch of random family images that never really fit into my standard blog entries (the pics don't match the text).

It's kind of weird to think that it's been a whole year since I've set foot on American soil. At times when going through something like this, you kind of step back and think about the daily routines and simple things in life that you take for granted.
With that in mind, it's been one year since I've:
Seen my parents, sister, family and friends.

Eaten at Taco Bell, White Castle, Arbys and Wendys.

Celebrated Thanksgiving or Easter (we kind of skipped those holidays last year).

Gone a whole day without realizing how truly lucky my family and I are to have this experience.

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