One of my goals here in Bangkok is to see as much of the city (the country really) as I can over the next three years, soaking up all of the culture to become a more well-rounded person.
With that in mind, I was determined to see "Superman Returns" during its first week of release. Nothing says Thai culture like an American icon dressed in blue tights and a flowing red cape.

We went to see it at the amazing Siam Paragon mall ( a behemoth of a shopping complex with 9 floors with everything from a gym and fitness center to a gourmet grocery store and an absolute labyrinth of a food court, as well as all of the essential mall items (clothing, electronics, home furnishings, toys, etc.). This place even has a world class aquarium (Siam Ocean World) in the basement where (from what I'm told) one can literally swim with the sharks for 6000 baht (about $150.00 US). I don't think the lawyers will let you do that at Sea World!
But I digress...
We went to the movie during primetime (6:00 pm on a Sunday night). The first thing I found interesting was that you pay for an assigned seat from a variety of levels. We chose seats right in the middle for 160 baht (about $3 US). The most I could have paid was around $5, which is great when you consider that an evening movie ticket costs between $8-$10 in Michigan no matter how crappy your seat is.
The theater itself was immaculate and beautiful, with ornate sculpture decorating the walls and ceiling. The screen was gigantic and the whole place had plush wall to wall carpeting so you don't have to worry about the sticky floors that are par for the course in the States. You do have to sit through a full half hour of previews and ads before the actual film starts, which is about twice as long as movies in Michigan. Also, before every movie they show a short film (with anthem) about the current Thai king which everyone is required to stand for. His Majesty is very popular here in Thailand (more about him later).
As far as "Superman Returns" goes, I thought it was pretty good, much better than I was expecting. It was a bit overlong, but newcomer Brandon Routh certainly seemed to be channeling the spirit and style of the late Christopher Reeve with his portrayl of the Man of Steel.

On another movie related note, I checked out "The King and I" on the flight from Detroit to Bangkok. As a movie buff with an interest in catching up on the classics I have missed over the years, I thought it was a good choice (that and the obvious Thailand connection). I found it to be a perfect airline film: it was successful in putting me to sleep. I think this film is banned in Thailand, with many natives here finding Yul Brynner's portrayl of the king offensive. Personally, I liked him better in "The Magnificent Seven."
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