Since ancient times, the elephant (or chang) has been a Thai icon that symbolizes strength and the ideals that locals hold true to their hearts. Elephants are also considered symbols of fortune and luck to superstitious people here in Thailand.
With that in mind, it's a bit sad to think that on any given night a person can walk down a busy street in Bangkok and encounter an elephant tied up or chained with their "owners" selling food and a photo op. I can't help but think that the elephant would be happier somewhere else, but where there's a buck to be made people will try to make it.
I admit that the sight of a real live elephant within a few feet of you is almost a surreal experience. They almost don't look real and they have that glazed look in their eyes. I can't help but be drawn to them, but in the back of my mind I'm reminded of shows like "When Animals Attack" where elephants just get fed up with the life of a sideshow attraction and start running amuck in public, trampling everything in their path. Hopefully I'll never witness this, but if I do I hope to have the chance to blog about it later.

Poor elephants! It's almost as bad as someone Photoshoping themselves under a squating pachyderm!
Matt, great blog...looks like you're well on your way to discovering Thailand. How do I get on the list to be notified with your blog updates?
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