You never know what you're going to see on the roads here. One day it could be a guy with a refrigerator strapped to the back of his motorcycle. Another time, it's a woman pedaling a four-wheel cart loaded with brooms and bananas down the ramp of an expressway.
So it really wasn't that surprising when I saw this truck barreling down the road the other day. It was covered with rubber bats and birds that looked homemade (possibly constructed from old tires).

I'm curious what this was all about. Maybe the driver is an artist and this is his way or advertising his work. Or perhaps the decorative motif is supposed to ward off evil spirits. I really have no clue, but if anyone else does, please drop me a line.

1 comment:
Matt, I've done some investigating and solved the mystery. Just like many other Westerners, Batman retired to Bangkok several years ago. Alas, his pension didn't keep up with inreases in the cost of living, and he had to pawn the Batmobile. He's constructed this replacement vehicle, which is a humiliating step down from the original. Since Batman now wears his own spare tire around his middle, though, the vehicle isn't entirely out of character.
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